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Custom Linear Actuators For Renewable Energy Sectors

Custom Linear Actuators For Renewable Energy Sectors

By Kelston Actuation | Jun 26 2024 12:00AM | Linear Actuators

Developing effective and scalable renewable energy sources is absolutely critical to the progress of humankind. Not only will it contribute to a much needed reduction of carbon emissions globally, but it will negate the increasing cost and dwindling efficiency associated with continuously mining for fossil fuels.

Companies in the renewable energy sector are constantly seeking innovative technologies to move things forward, enhance efficiency, reliability, and performance. At Kelston Actuation, clean energy is an industry we keep a keen eye on - mostly because we see an increasing number of companies in this sector looking for unique components to aid the technology they are developing.

One product that is gaining significant traction is our custom linear actuators. Our bespoke, heavy-duty actuators are proving extremely useful for various applications in wind energy, solar energy, and hydroelectric power generation. In this short article, we cover some of the benefits and examples of how our electromechanical actuators are helping startups and established players in the renewable energy sector.

Wind Energy

Actuators For Wind Energy

1. Precision in Blade Pitch Control

Heavy duty electromechanical linear actuators can be extremely useful for controlling the pitch of the blades found on wind turbines. Blade pitch control is crucial for optimizing the angle of the blades to capture maximum wind energy and ensure safe operation during high winds.

Benefits include:

Enhanced Efficiency: Precise control of blade pitch improves the turbine's efficiency by adjusting the blades to optimal angles based on wind speed and direction.

Increased Lifespan: By reducing mechanical stress on the turbine components, our electromechanical actuators in turn help extend the lifespan of the turbines and lower maintenance and service costs.

Safety: In extreme weather conditions, accurate pitch control can feather the blades, reducing rotational speed and preventing structural damage.

2. Yaw Control Systems

Electromechanical linear actuators are also employed in yaw control systems, which rotate the entire wind turbine to face the wind.

Benefits include:

Optimized Energy Capture: Ensures that turbines are always facing the wind, maximizing energy generation.

Reduced Wear and Tear: Smooth and precise yaw adjustments reduce mechanical wear on turbine components.

Solar Energy

Actuators For Solar Energy

1. Solar Tracking Systems

Solar panels mounted on tracking systems can follow the sun’s movement across the sky to maximize energy absorption. Actuators, like the ones Kelston produces, can play a vital role in these tracking systems.

Benefits include:

Adaptability: Actuators enable precise adjustments to panel angles, accommodating seasonal changes and varying sun paths.

2. CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) Systems

In CSP systems, mirrors or lenses concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a small area. Actuators are used to adjust the mirrors or lenses for optimal focus.

Benefits include:

High Precision: Ensures that the concentrated light is accurately directed to the receiver, maximizing heat generation.

Reliability: Electromechanical actuators provide consistent performance with minimal maintenance.

Hydroelectric Power

Actuators For Hydroelectric Energy

1. Dam Gate Control

In hydroelectric power plants, large actuators are used to control the opening and closing of dam gates, regulating water flow and, consequently, power generation.

Benefits include:

Precise Flow Control: Enables accurate adjustments to water flow, optimizing electricity production and ensuring dam safety.

Durability: Electromechanical actuators are robust and can withstand harsh environmental conditions, leading to lower maintenance costs.

2. Turbine Blade Adjustment

Adjustable turbine blades, or wicket gates, control the flow of water to the turbine. Actuators are used to adjust these blades for optimal performance.

Benefits include:

Efficiency: Precise adjustments enhance the turbine’s efficiency by regulating water flow based on power demand.

Flexibility: Allows for quick response to changing water levels and power needs.


Heavy duty electromechanical linear actuators offer a range of benefits for companies in the renewable energy sector, particularly in wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. Their precision, reliability, and efficiency improvements contribute to increased energy output, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced operational safety.

As the renewable energy industry continues to grow, the adoption of advanced technologies like electromechanical actuators will be crucial in meeting the global energy demand sustainably. If you have a project in this sector and are in need of an actuator solution, get in touch with our design team today.

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